Journal Article

A new comprehensive trait database of European and Maghreb butterflies, Papilionoidea


Trait-based analyses explaining the diferent responses of species and communities to environmental  changes are increasing in frequency. European butterfies are an indicator group that responds rapidly to environmental changes with extensive citizen science contributions to documenting changes of abundance and distribution. Species traits have been used to explain long- and short-term responses to climate, land-use and vegetation changes. Studies are often characterised by limited trait sets being used, with risks that the relative roles of diferent traits are not fully explored. Butterfy trait information is dispersed amongst various sources and descriptions sometimes difer between sources. We have therefore drawn together multiple information sets to provide a comprehensive trait database covering 542 taxa and 25 traits described by 217 variables and sub-states of the butterfies of Europe and Maghreb (northwest Africa) which should serve for improved trait-based ecological, conservationrelated, phylogeographic and evolutionary studies of this group of insects. We provide this data in two forms; the basic data and as processed continuous and multinomial data, to enhance its potential usage.

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Middleton-Welling, Joseph
Dapporto, Leonardo
García-Barros, Enrique
Wiemers, Martin
Nowicki, Piotr
Plazio, Elisa
Bonelli, Simona
Zaccagno, Michele
Šašić, Martina
Liparova, Jana
Schweiger, Oliver
Harpke, Alexander
Musche, Martin
Settele, Josef
Schmucki, Reto
Shreeve, Tim

Oxford Brookes departments

Department of Biological and Medical Sciences


Year of publication: 2020
Date of RADAR deposit: 2021-03-15

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

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