Conference Paper

Cyber security of electric vehicle charging infrastructure : open issues and recommendations


The paper analyses cyber security challenges of smart cities with a particular focus on the intelligent integrated and interconnected electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure. The analysis indicates that not all innovative elements and smart city solutions have adequate cybersecurity protection. Digital technologies vary considerably in terms of the level of potential risks, with certain novel technologies — such as V2G, smart charging, and smart energy management — posing higher risks than others. It is intended to lay a foundation for securing EV charging infrastructure by analysing problem context and data to be protected, including attack surfaces and cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities in the EV ecosystem, analysing standardisation for the EV connection to the charging infrastructure, and providing a set of recommendations and best practices to securing EV charging infrastructure.

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Skarga-Bandurova, Inna
Kotsiuba, Igor
Biloborodova, Tetiana

Oxford Brookes departments

School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics


Year of publication: 2023
Date of RADAR deposit: 2022-12-06

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This RADAR resource is the Accepted Manuscript of Cyber Security of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure: Open Issues and Recommendations


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