The aim of the research is to contribute to the debate about pornography in young people’s lives and to inform effective education programs. There are limited studies conducted in the UK and the ones that have been conducted reveal the need for more qualitative research. Despite the inconclusive findings of the impact of pornography on young people, there is agreement that better education is needed to help young people understand pornography and the role it might play in their lives. Semi-structured interviews with open ended questions will be used in this study to generate rich talk, stories and reflections in response to the interviewer's questions. There will be 8-10 adolescents involved between two groups of friends. Participants will be heterosexual, cis-female, aged 16-19 and do not need to be active pornography consumers. Phenomenology and Social Norms theory are the theoretical perspectives to be applied in order to gain a deep understanding of the subject. Applying Social Norms theory will allow an understanding of whether there is a possible effect of norms on behaviour, whilst phenomenology will enable a deeper investigation of how social agents themselves navigate and explain the reality they live in. Reflexive Thematic Analysis will be used deductively by applying Social Norms theory and inductively in phenomenological analysis and interpretation of the data. The data will be reported through the analytic narrative and illustrative extracts. The mixed approach should allow to understand the meaning within the narratives of individual actors while acknowledging the social influence of pornography.
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Kieran, Sylwia
Faculty of Health and Life SciencesDepartment of Psychology, Health and Professional Development
Year: 2021
© Kieran, Sylwia All rights reserved.