Conference Paper

A Single BJT 10.2 ppm/0C Bandgap Reference in 45nm CMOS Technology


Bandgap reference using 2 BJT devices are well explored in the literature. Usually, less number of BJT's would reduce the cost of the chip in modern CMOS technologies. A single BJT based reference was discussed here. V BE of the BJT has been used as CTAT voltage and a CMOS differential pair offset voltage based PTAT generation circuit used to generate zero temp coefficient reference. A prototype was developed in 45nm TSMC CMOS technology and post-layout simulationswere performed. Designed for a nominal voltage of 525mV with 10.2ppm/°C temperature coefficient. Its supply sensitivity is 0.4% and works with 1V power supply. The proposed solution consumes 51.8μW power from 1V power supply and occupies 2478 μm2 silicon area.

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Nagulapalli, Rajasekhar
Hayatleh, Khaled
Barker, Steve

Oxford Brookes departments

School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics


Year of publication: 2020
Date of RADAR deposit: 2020-10-27

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This RADAR resource is the Accepted Manuscript of A Single BJT 10.2 ppm/0C Bandgap Reference in 45nm CMOS Technology


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