Open Access Interview Questions


Guidance and questions for the interview subject taking part in a talking head video. Theses questions were compiled whilst creating a talking video as part of the JISC OA Good Practice Pathfinder - Making Sense - a researcher centred approach to funder compliance

Links to resources

  • Type: application/vnd.openxmlformats... Filename: Talking head - OA interview questions.docx Size: 14.78 KB Author: Stubbings, Ruth Publisher: Nottingham Trent University Last edited: 08 July 2016 17:52 Pages: 2 Words: 396 Views (since Sept 2022): 2040


Preparatory notes and interview questions for a talking head with an academic about open access issues. open access advocacy video

Teaching subject area



video interview open access questions

Faculty or department

Directorate of Learning Resources\Library

Graduate attributes

Research literacy, Digital and information literacy


copyright Oxford Brookes University, except where indicated in the item description


  • Owner: Unknown user
  • Collection: OER
  • Version: 1 (show all)
  • Status: Live
  • Views (since Sept 2022): 137