Postgraduate Dissertation

Talking With Myself: An Autoethnographic Examination of how the Power of ReflexiveDialogue Supports the Construction of a Dual Artist Teacher Identity


This research is an analytical autoethnography of my undertaking to construct and maintain a dual Artist Teacher identity. Using Hermans's (2001) Dialogical Self Theory, I aim to understand how my two professional identities are formed and how reflexive actions - cerebral and physical - draw the two identities together in reciprocal negotiation. Having long understood how my artist practice informs my teaching, this research involves aiming to understand how my teaching can inform my art practice and how reflexivity supports my dual professional identity. The coding of visual data presented me with some difficulties but I explain how I draw upon the physicality of the work produced as well as the dialogical aspect of the study in justifying my methods and gleaning new knowledge from the work produced. I conclude that it is possible to maintain an effective dual partnership however, it is important to preserve a distance, no matter how small, between the identities. An artist teacher needs to be able to negotiate between two perspectives to function in each fulfilling role. There must be upheld, a space of possibilities.

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Morgans, Sarah


Rights Holders: Morgans, Sarah

Oxford Brookes departments

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences\School of Education

Degree programme

MA Education



© Morgans, Sarah
Published by Oxford Brookes University
All rights reserved
