Journal Article

Market knowledge impacts on product and process innovation: Evidence from travel agencies


Purpose. This paper examines the relationship between the attributes of market knowledge (depth/breadth) and particular types of (process/product) innovation. The mediating mechanism of ambidextrous (exploratory/exploitative) capabilities is also investigated. Design/methodology/approach. Data from 153 travel agencies from two phases of data collection in Taiwan were analyzed using the structural equation modeling method.  Findings. Market knowledge depth directly and positively impacts on product and process innovation. Market knowledge breadth indirectly and positively impacts on product and process innovation. Ambidextrous capabilities affect process and product innovation and mediate the effect of market knowledge breadth on the two innovations.  Research limitations/implications. This study provides different theoretical views, such as dynamic capability and organizational learning to supplement the explanation of knowledge-based theory in the relationship between market knowledge and innovation.  Practical implications. This study encourages firms to accumulate market knowledge depth and breadth and facilitate ambidextrous capabilities for innovation. Originality/value. Seldom has research explored the relationships between the attributes of market knowledge and types of innovation simultaneously to extend the input-process-output context. This study has done so and forwards the possibility that ambidextrous capability is critical mechanism. = 市场知识对产品与流程创新之影响:以旅行业为例目的 本研究探讨市场知识属性(深度/广度)与特定类型创新(流程/产品)两者间的关系, 并以双元性(探索/开发)能力作为中介变数。 研究设计/方法 本研究采用结构方程模型, 以台湾153家旅行社作为样本, 进行两阶段的资料搜集。 研究结果 市场知识深度对产品和流程创新具有直接且正向的影响。市场知识的广度对产品和流程创新具有间接且正向的影响。双元能力会影响产品和流程创新, 并中介市场知识广度对这两项创新的影响。 研究意义 本研究结合动态能力与组织学习两种理论观点, 为知识基础理论对市场知识与创新的探讨提供更完整的解释。 实践意义 本研究鼓励业者积累市场知识的深度和广度, 并提升能促进创新的双元能力。 原创性/价值 过去的研究鲜少探讨市场知识属性与创新类型间的关系。而本研究对其进行讨论, 并提出双元能力可能为市场知识属性对创新影响的关键机制。

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Chen, Kuan-Yang
Altinay, Levent
Chen, Po-Yuan
Dai, You-De

Oxford Brookes departments

Oxford School of Hospitality Management


Year of publication: 2021
Date of RADAR deposit: 2021-01-19

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

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