Journal Article

The temporal rating of emergency non-technical skills (TRENT) Index for self and others: Psychometric properties and emotional responses


Background To enhance the non-technical skills (NTS) assessment literature by developing a reliable and valid peer and self-assessment tool for NTS in a simulated ward setting to include emotional reactions: the Temporal Rating of Emergency Non-Technical skills (TRENT) Index. The paper aims to document (1) the psychometric properties of the TRENT index (e.g., reliability, idiosyncrasy biases) and (2) its validity in terms of performance-emotional associations in the high fidelity simulated ward environment. Methods Two samples of doctors (Ns =150 & 90) taking part in emergency simulations provided both self and peer-assessment of NTS, with the second sample also providing self-assessments of mood. The psychometric properties of the TRENT were explored for self- and peer-assessment, and pre- and post-simulation environment mood was used to assess validity. Results A psychometrically reliable and valid 5-factor assessment of NTS was developed. While there was evidence for both intra-rater and inter-rater reliability, inter-rater idiosyncrasy was also observed. Self-rated, but not peer-rated, negative performance was positively associated with post simulation negative mood. Conclusion These are the first results that pertain to inter-, intra-rater reliability as well as idiosyncratic biases in NTS assessment and the first to show that simulator performance can influence mood after assessment. Potential clinical carry-over effects of mood are discussed.

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Ferguson, E
Buttery, A
Miles, G
Tatalia, C
Clarke, D
Lonsdale, A
Baxendale, B
Lawrence, C

Oxford Brookes departments

Faculty of Health and Life Sciences\Department of Psychology, Social Work and Public Health


Year of publication: 2014
Date of RADAR deposit: 2016-01-27

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