Journal Article

The GRIPP 2 reporting checklists: tools to improve reporting of patient and public involvement in research


Background: While the PPI evidence base has expanded over the last decade, the quality of reporting within papers is often inconsistent, limiting our understanding of how it works, in what context, for whom and why. Objective: To develop international consensus on the key items to report to enhance the quality, transparency and consistency of the PPI evidence base. To collaboratively involve patients as research partners at all stages in the development of GRIPP 2. Methods: The EQUATOR method for developing reporting guidelines was utilised. The original GRIPP (Guidance for Reporting Involvement of Patients and the Public) checklist was revised, based on updated systematic review evidence. A three round Delphi survey was used to develop consensus on items to be included in the guideline. A subsequent face-to-face meeting produced agreement on items not reaching consensus during the Delphi process. Results: 143 participants agreed to participate in round 1, with an 86% (123/143) response for round 2 and a 78% (112/143) response for round 3. The Delphi survey identified the need for long-form (LF) and short-form (SF) versions. GRIPP2-LF includes 34 items on aims, definitions, concepts and theory, methods, stages and nature of involvement, context, capture or measurement of impact, outcomes, economic assessment and reflections, and is suitable for studies where the main focus is PPI. GRIPP2-SF includes 5 items on aims, methods, results, outcomes and critical perspective and is suitable for studies where PPI is a secondary focus. Conclusions: GRIPP2-LF and GRIPP2-SF represent the first international evidence-based, consensus-informed guidance for reporting patient and public involvement in research. Both versions of GRIPP2 aim to improve the quality, transparency and consistency of the international PPI evidence base, to ensure PPI practice is based on the best evidence. GRIPP 2 is co-published with Research Involvement and Engagement.

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Staniszewska, S
Brett, J
Simera, I
Seers, K
Mockford, C
Goodlad, S
Altman, DG
Moher, D
Barber, R
Denegri, S
Entwistle, A
Littlejohns, P
Morris, C
Suleman, R
Thomas, V
Tysall, C

Oxford Brookes departments

Faculty of Health and Life Sciences\Department of Nursing


Year of publication: 2017
Date of RADAR deposit: 2017-07-04

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

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