Conference Paper

The show must go on: Creatives' entrepreneurial passion in times of crisis


Entrepreneurial passion ignites entrepreneurial activity and is related to positive motivational inspiration in creative entrepreneurs. One of the most significant obstacles faced in entrepreneurship is the uncertainty of a crisis, yet studies linking entrepreneurial passion and crisis are sparce. The UK Cultural and Creative Sector was particularly hard hit by the pandemic crisis: the mass gatherings of audiences in galleries, theatres and concert halls were terminated and the sector suffered a ‘culture shock’. This situation resulted in growing interest in entrepreneurial passion from both academics and practitioners. The study resulted in a conceptual model outlining three types of strategies the participants adopted in the face of the crisis of the recent pandemic and the role of passion in creating and adopting these approaches. The study also has implications for the practice of participants in the Cultural and Creative Sector as well as for the public policy. 

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Cooke, Abbie
Karmowska, Joanna

Oxford Brookes departments

Oxford Brookes Business School


Year of publication: [2022]
Date of RADAR deposit: 2022-10-26

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License


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  • Collection: Outputs
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