Conference Paper

A 0.82V supply and 23.4 ppm/0C current mirror assisted bandgap reference


Traditional BGR circuits require a 1.05V supply due to the VBE of the BJT. Deep submicron CMOS technologies are limiting the supply voltage to less than 940mV. Hence there is a strong motivation to design them at lower supply voltages. The supply voltage limitation in conventional BGR is described qualitatively in this paper. Further, a current mirror-assisted technique has been proposed to enable BGR operational at 0.82V supply. A prototype was developed in 65nm TSMC CMOS technology and post-layout simulation results were performed. A self-bias opamp has been exploited to minimize the systematic offset. Proposed BGR targeted at 450mV works from 0.82-1.05V supply without having any degradation in the performance while keeping the integrated noise of 15.2µV and accuracy of 23.4ppm/0C. Further, the circuit consumes 21µW of power and occupies 73*32µm2 silicon area.

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Nagulapalli, R.
Hayatleh, Khaled
Yassine, Nabil
Barker, Steve
Palani, R.

Oxford Brookes departments

School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics


Year of publication: 2021
Date of RADAR deposit: 2021-05-11

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