
  • A Photographic Life (1)
    Whatever your level of engagement with photography The Photographic Life Podcast explains the realities of working with and learning about the medium. Each week photographer, writer, lecturer and filmmaker Grant Scott reflects on news, discussions, themes and issues surrounding the photographic community. He also asks a photographer to supply him with an audio file no longer than 5 minutes in length in which they answer the question ‘What Does Photography Mean to You?’
  • CENDEP Seminars and Events (6)
    A series of talks, seminars, webinars and events held by the Centre for Development and Emergency Practice (CENDEP) that aims to bring together students, staff, academics, development practitioners and policy makers working in the following research areas: disaster risk reduction and response; shelter, housing and home; human rights; forced migration; conflict, peace and humanitarianism; and, transformative and community resilience in adverse settings.
  • Europe Japan Research Centre Podcasts (41)
    For over two decades, the Europe-Japan Research Centre (EJRC) has brought distinguished guest speakers to Oxford to present on a broad range of topics in Japanese studies. From literature and film, to anthropology and religious studies, EJRC speakers showcase a range of perspectives on Japanese culture, revealing its complexity while making it accessible. The EJRC seminar series is supported by the Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation.
  • My MARS mantra: Stories from changemakers in disasters and development (14)
    My MARS Mantra podcast will explore - What motives people to work in disasters and development? - What are theres refections - learnings and challenges to move forward? - What is their inner resilience and sustainability message for a better world? Audience: Students, academics, practitioners and general public interested in development, disasters, conflict (with special focus on built environment). Interviewing people around the world, who works/teaches in the areas of development and disasters.
  • Oxford Brookes Poetry Centre Podcast (27)
    The Oxford Brookes Poetry Centre podcast focusses upon the work of one poet or features discussion about poetry with poets and academics. The theme music for the podcast, entitled ‘Leaving for the North’, was composed by Aneurin Rees, and played by Aneurin Rees (guitar) and Rosalie Tribe (violin). For more information about the Poetry Centre, look up our website or find us on social media @brookespoetry
  • Oxford Brookes Unscripted (38)
    This podcast series from the Public Engagement Network (PEN) at Oxford Brookes University is a platform for academics, across all faculties, to informally share, discuss and contemplate their research with the wider community.
  • The Challenge of Behaviour Change (7)
    A podcast about behaviour change to accompany the Psychological Interventions module at Oxford Brookes University and for anyone else interested in developing behaviour change interventions.
  • The Eugenics Podcast with Prof Marius Turda (13)
    In this series of 12 podcasts Prof Marius Turda (Oxford Brookes University) explores the links between historical and current experiences of eugenics across the world. The purpose is to discuss, in an accessible way, how 20th century eugenic ideas and practices continue to shape our debates on reproduction, family, reproduction, racism, sports, gender and sexuality, and popular culture.
  • The History Society Podcast (11)
    The History Society is an organisation run by and for History students at Oxford Brookes University. Each year, the Society’s Lecture Series hosts leading scholars from around the world who deliver papers which explore the historical roots of big issues that shape our world today. Each speaker approaches their subject from different disciplinary, temporal, and geographical perspectives. All of them, however, use a historical lens to illuminate uncovered aspects of problems that we grapple with in the modern world, touching on topics from politics to race, empire to technology, and health to gender. The History Society Podcast makes these lectures available to the public so that audiences beyond Oxford Brookes University can enjoy and learn from them.