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Exploring lecturers’ goal-setting using a coaching framework

This paper presents a small-scale study aimed at exploring how academic staff articulate professional goals. Methods include semi-structured interviews guided by Whitmore’s (2009) GROW model and analysed via reflexive thematic analysis. Methodological parallels between coaching and qualitative interviewing are discussed. The author describes in nuanced detail the motivation for and attributes of participants' goals through expressed patterns of meaning. Overall, the study highlights the potential efficacy of integrating coaching tools into qualitative research methodologies.

Status: Live|Last updated:February 13, 2025 9:55 AM
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The effect of organizational coaching on employee voice, work motivation and innovative work behaviour: A quasi-experimental study

In this study, we looked into how organizational coaching can influence innovative work behaviour, employee voice, and work motivation. We used a quantitative, quasi-experimental design with a pre-post-test approach. Thirty participants from an Iranian online job agency took part in this semi-experimental study, with fifteen employees joining a ten-week face-to-face coaching program. Our findings show that organizational coaching had a significant and positive impact on employee innovative work behaviour, employee voice, and work motivation (P<0.05). consequently, organizational coaching helps employees identify their potential talents and motivates them to develop these talents with high enthusiasm and creativity.

Status: Live|Last updated:February 10, 2025 3:04 PM
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Status: Live|Last updated:February 3, 2025 10:29 AM
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Comparative evaluation of an AI-powered life coach against traditional coaching methods

This study assesses the efficacy of “1440”, an AI-powered life coaching tool, in comparison to traditional human coaching. Utilizing a controlled experimental design, participants were divided into three distinct groups and engaged in a standardized coaching scenario. The study evaluates the performance of 1440 across multiple key metrics, including goal achievement, satisfaction, and perceived support. The empirical findings indicate that 1440 significantly outperforms traditional human coaching in several critical dimensions, suggesting its potential as a scalable and accessible alternative for personal development and professional growth.

Status: Live|Last updated:February 3, 2025 10:26 AM
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Learning Through Reflection: A Team’s Reflection on a Digital, Text-based Positive Health Coaching Intervention for Healthcare Professionals

Digital coaching has accelerated in recent years, expanding to encompass self-administered, coach-led, and automated coaching through video, email, and text. This article explores a coach’s reflections during a recent Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT) that examined the feasibility of text-based digital coaching for healthcare workers. In that study, twenty-three participants were randomised into a wait-list control (n=12) or intervention group (n=11) engaged in a 12-week text-based coaching intervention. The coach’s reflective journal, analysed via Reflexive Thematic Analysis (RTA) shows the potential scalability of text-based coaching, in addition to connection and significant rapport building despite nonverbal cues. However, technology instability and tech literacy can hinder digital coaching.

Status: Live|Last updated:February 3, 2025 10:25 AM
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Empowering newcomers? Power asymmetries and negotiations between newly arrived migrants and volunteers within buddy programmes

Research on buddy programmes for newly arrived migrants focuses predominantly on integration outcomes. However, the intervention is also prone to reproducing power imbalances. This qualitative study investigates how power asymmetries between volunteers (buddies) and immigrant newcomers are characterized. We draw on interview data to scrutinize how power is reproduced and negotiated in the dyadic relationships within buddy programmes. Both practices of Othering and De-othering take place, resulting in mixed networking outcomes for newcomers in the host society. The findings provide important insights for policy and practice, employing buddy programmes as a tool for fostering migrant integration.

Status: Live|Last updated:February 3, 2025 10:18 AM
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Mentoring student teachers within Ireland’s further education and training sector

This study explores the lived experiences of initial teacher education (ITE) mentors in the further education and training (FET) sector in Ireland. The literature suggests mentors sup-port the professional formation of student teachers. However, mentoring relationships seem highly variable. At present the voice of mentors is underrepresented within Irish research. This interpretivist phenomenological analysis (IPA) study is based on semi-structured in-terviews with four mentors, and was underpinned by Bourdieu’s concepts of habitus, field, and capital. The findings suggest mentors perform wide ranging functions to support their student teacher, but not all mentors report actually benefit from performing the role.

Status: Live|Last updated:February 3, 2025 10:18 AM
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The perspectives of STEM faculty toward undergraduate mentorship - A case study

A plethora of research captures undergraduate students' perceptions of faculty mentorship in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). However, more research is necessary to capture the perceptions of STEM faculty about the mentor-mentee relationship. This study aimed to capture the perspectives of STEM faculty toward undergraduate mentorship. We used a case study methodology with six STEM faculty members to answer our research questions. We used the theoretical framework proposed by Crisp and Cruz (2009). We found that the STEM faculty-student mentoring relationship involves strong psychological support.

Status: Live|Last updated:February 3, 2025 10:16 AM
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Development of a mentee behaviour scale for workplace mentoring partnerships

Workplace mentoring has typically focused on mentor functions without sound measurement of mentees. This study developed and tested a mentee behaviour scale (MBS) to assess mentors’ and mentees’ perceptions of effective mentee behaviours. The construct and items were derived from the literature and our experience implementing workplace mentoring programmes. An expert panel evaluated content validity before testing the MBS on an employee sample of 295 mentees and 294 mentors. Using a multistep analysis, the MBS was reduced to 24-items with mentee and mentor versions. Results supported MBS reliability and validity for use in workplace mentoring research and practice.

Status: Live|Last updated:February 3, 2025 10:12 AM
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Unlocking Organizational Commitment: Exploring the Influence of Mentoring Relationships on Gen-Z Employees in Nigeria's Service Sectors

This research reports how mentorship connections affect the loyalty of Generation Z workers in Nigeria's service industry, specifically at KPMG and Zenith Bank. The study used a combination of surveys and interviews to gather data. The results show a slight negative link between mentoring and loyalty at both KPMG (r = 0.343, p <.05) and Zenith Bank (r = 0.140, p >.05). Nevertheless, qualitative feedback indicates that 84.3% of KPMG participants and 73% of Zenith Bank participants recognized the beneficial influence of mentorship on career support. These results underscore the importance of context-specific mentoring strategies to enhance employee commitment and retention.

Status: Live|Last updated:February 3, 2025 10:10 AM
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